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Links sieht man ein gelbe Blatt Papier, auf dem ein paar Menschen, eine Lehrperson sowie die Erde gezeichnet wurden. In der Mitte, das gelbe Blatt berührend, liegt ein Stift. Rechts neben dem Stift liegen Kopfhörer.


Questions about eLearning - your eTeam will help you!

The members of our eTeam are based at the elearning offices of the individual faculties, the multimedia center and the iQu office. We are happy to support you in the planning of eLearning scenarios, the use of eLearning tools and the design of multimedia teaching materials.

Please find our contact details here:


Photo of© HHU / Medienlabor
Peter Bernardi
Building: 16.11
Floor/Room: 04.34
+49 211 81-10227

Photo of© HHU / Medienlabor
Dr. Elisabeth Scherer
Building: 16.11
Floor/Room: 04.34
+49 211 81-10224

Photo of
Tobias Koch
Building: 15.16
Floor/Room: 02.02
+49 211 81-14667

Photo of
Erik Reidt
Building: 15.16
Floor/Room: 02.05
+49 211 81-15920

Claudia Dehling
Building: 15.16
Floor/Room: 02.02
+49 211 81-14875

Prof. Dr. Katharina Lugani
Building: 24.81
Floor/Room: 02.45
+49 211 81-11429

PD Dr. Klaus Schaper
Building: 26.43
Floor/Room: 00.27
+49 211 81-12571

Patrick Bergmann M.A.
eLearning office medizin
Building: 12.49
Floor/Room: 01.018
+49 211 81-17979

Elena Brinkmann Dipl.-Psych.
Building: 12.49
Floor/Room: 01.015
+49 211 81-16664

Stefan Reiners-Selbach© HHU/ Medienlabor

Koordinator Digital Humanities

M. Ed. Stefan Reiners-Selbach
Building: 23.21
Floor/Room: 01.082
+49 211 81-12029

Responsible for the content: